all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 3AA 2 52.19456 -0.297943
MK44 3AB 0 52.195944 -0.29789
MK44 3AD 0 52.198304 -0.305058
MK44 3AE 0 52.19828 -0.304634
MK44 3AF 0 52.197972 -0.305743
MK44 3AG 0 52.198005 -0.306196
MK44 3AH 1 52.19955 -0.297957
MK44 3AJ 1 52.194424 -0.299133
MK44 3AL 8 52.201108 -0.291269
MK44 3AN 0 52.192474 -0.300437
MK44 3AP 0 52.196621 -0.301559
MK44 3AR 1 52.205054 -0.29182
MK44 3AS 2 52.198325 -0.310295
MK44 3AT 3 52.20691 -0.317712
MK44 3AU 0 52.195777 -0.30691
MK44 3AX 5 52.204694 -0.304273
MK44 3AY 1 52.207338 -0.30808
MK44 3AZ 1 52.210551 -0.303605
MK44 3BA 1 52.201126 -0.291253
MK44 3BD 0 52.190179 -0.29969